
What’s Your Facebook Banner? This is mine.

:MarioSiART Facebook Banner-02

They say your Facebook Banner is important to get you noticed – how true that is, I’m not sure. But I re-did mine anyway. The image above is at the correct size for your banner 851 pixels wide x 314 pixels high. It looks tiny as a image post – yet the finished result on my Facebook page works well. Needs a bit of tweeting, which I’ll do later.

While I was at it I changed the banner to this blog – it’s a different size – and does work ok.

Check it out on my Facebook page. And a like or two would be great for this starving artist.

– SO MOD –

11042014 SO VERY MOD

– “So Mod” –

Reminds me of the Cosmo Inn circa 1965, in Anaheim, California 

– Soon “2015” – Really!

09132014 2015 nUMBERS


– “2015” –

Playing with words as numbers

It’s so amazing just how fast time moves.

Maybe when you get older, it moves even faster? 

Or, does it only seem like that – since you start to realize – you have less of it?

– Could be true –

All I know is when I was a younger and it was the last day of school,

the new semister always seemed a lifetime away. 

Now it’s like – OMG the DAYS has flown by.

– So Very 1950’s –

09122014 Pattern Balls with Holes

– “Which Way?” –

1950’s Art Pattern

…I like how artist started thinking in the 1950’s – everything was about Tomorrow.

– Mastering The Pen Tool in Ai –

08092014 Street Lamp First Drawing

– “Street Lamp” –

One of Adobe Illustrator’s Tools is called the Pen Tool.

They say if you master it, you will love it.

I’m getting better – but not loving it yet.