
– At The Villa Rotonda –

11162014 At the Villa R

– “At The Villa Rotonda” –

Near the side entrance to the Villa – leaning against a wall, is this Master Piece.

– This Is La Malcontenta –

11102014 outside venice


– “La Malcontenta” –

La Malcontenta is the very first villa of Andrea Palladio I saw when touring most of his villa’s.

It overlooks the Brenta Canal and is just outside of Venice, Italy.

Add this to your list of “Must Sees”.

You won’t be disappointed.

– Early Morning in the Court Yard –

11162014 My Vencie Court Yard

– “Early Morning” –

The first day of the first morning in Venice, Italy.

Just outside our door from our apartment.

Even a plain area like this in Venice holds amazing interest and most likely tons of history.

Once the people in the apartments above wake up, they open the shutters on the windows to welcome the day.